Monday, January 11, 2010

i miss the 'glory days'...

in the olden days [of my life i mean, haha], glory was plain old band, 'Go West', marching, foot drill, getting scolded, scolding juniors, practising till mouth perpetually smiles, being afraid of SLs and BMs and DMs... we get tonnes of disgusting music time and the occasional hair-lifting effect...

the way the hair-lifting times make do as compensation for the times of horror during rehearsals... it's like... i dunno... it's like a mother going through pregnancy and raising a horribly naughty child, just to get a weird but very real sense of joy in just loving her child... totally not worth it, but in the end it feels totally right...

i miss my piano, i miss band, i miss the 'glory days'... i can give it all up to make way for school, family and for ministry...

am i in the position to question if it's worth it? i have the choice - commit my time to band and piano, or give it to His church...

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God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father