Wednesday, May 5, 2010

just thinking

if i get back to composing, i will need to bring manuscript paper, foolscap paper, pencil, eraser, highlighters, black pen... and my genius-ness... i will need a suitcase.

-.- classical songs are boring... ya right... they're all i can think of. and i LURVE that complicated song my neighbour was playing!!! i bet it's some new exam piece or somethin'... AWWWW so jealous... i want that too. =] it has pentatonic scales and the SO-NICE feel... =] heeeeeheeeeee...

Dear God, i miss my piano...

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God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father