Sunday, July 4, 2010

look at them

was just looking into Facebook, seeing all my UoN batch mates in the UoN ball... prom thingy... all looking gorgeous and really beautiful and... sometimes, just thinking if the sacrifices i make for the things i love, compared to the friends and potential friends that i've missed out on being with... was it worth it...

today, Pastor Fuji said we're to remember, simply, what would Jesus do? so to me, while going for the ball thingy and all that seemed 'world'-kinda stuff... getting pretty, going out, celebrating, going crazy, etc... but then again, those were friendships dear to me that i guess i have neglected... while they were havin' fun and going all out to be looking their best at the ball, i was in church doing stuff... events, ministry, service...

were they worth it? i guess it'd be too early to compare fruit of friendship in school versus fruit in ministry, but either way, i choose and i chose ministry... i think that's what Jesus would do... yeah i know i could 've had a balanced life with school, family, friends, going out, church... but then again, so could Jesus... but he didn't go out and have fun - he put all he had for us, for me...

eventually, i think my decision was right... because i think i will be storing up treasures in heaven... instead of just pretty memories on earth... =]

just a thought. =]

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God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father