Tuesday, August 24, 2010

saw this; interesting; opinions opinions opinions...

looking at NOT the girl, NOT the dresses... hmmm... http://sevendresses.livejournal.com/

interesting heh.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Quote: Klassen & Freling 2000

You alone stand above the earth, but You have chosen willingly to also stand beside me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


i still feel the stress of being alive, despite the end of my exams officially...

i gotta get my groove back for piano and music, i gotta go get a job, i gotta go earn money, i gotta go see a doctor to make me pretty and perfect looking, i gotta go to the dentist, i gotta clean my room, i gotta prepare to start my term in January for a Tourism module, i gotta earn money, i gotta prove to my parents, i gotta prepare for my future (or yours?), i gotta save money to get married, i gotta plan my career, i gotta improve my qualifications, i gotta save money for my family, i gotta... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... all the things i gotta do, they are what people say i should do... i've been doing what people tell me to do my WHOLE LIFE...

yeah, "NEVER" 's the word.

all the talk about 'o, after university you're free to relax and explore the world' and 'getting to experience new stuff and see cool things alone' and crap... i don't buy it - i got conned.

i think stress does not come from the things i do, it comes when i do them for other people.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

breathe, then read.


what does anyone think of this?

keep moving forward, says Cornelius Robinson (the cartoon guy, not the criminal)

Allison Koh, you will be better. you were great, now u suck, but you will be better.


Monday, August 16, 2010

my cute earthly father who FARTED an explosion while we were in the lift -.-

when asked what he would name his dog if he had one, 'Doggie' was his triumphant reply.
my mum, sis and myself were flabbergasted and amazed at dad's lame wow-ness.

=] thank You, God for family - even if these times were sparse, precious memories they will be...



WaTeR in my EARS!!!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


is defined as 'a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach, for which they hold themselves accountable' (Katzenbach & Smith 1993)

The Brewing of Soma by John Greenleaf Whittier

"These libations mixed with milk have been prepared for Indra:
offer Soma to the drinker of Soma."
--Vashista, translated by MAX MULLER.

The fagots blazed, the caldron's smoke
Up through the green wood curled;
"Bring honey from the hollow oak,
Bring milky sap," the brewers spoke,
In the childhood of the world.

And brewed they well or brewed they ill,
The priests thrust in their rods,
First tasted, and then drank their fill,
And shouted, with one voice and will,
"Behold the drink of gods!"

They drank, and to! in heart and brain
A new, glad life began;
The gray of hair grew young again,
The sick man laughed away his pain,
The cripple leaped and ran.

"Drink, mortals, what the gods have sent,
Forget your long annoy."
So sang the priests. From tent to tent
The Soma's sacred madness went,
A storm of drunken joy.

Then knew each rapt inebriate
A winged and glorious birth,
Soared upward, with strange joy elate,
Beat, with dazed head, Varuna's gate,
And, sobered, sank to earth.

The land with Soma's praises rang;
On Gihon's banks of shade
Its hymns the dusky maidens sang;
In joy of life or mortal pang
All men to Soma prayed.

The morning twilight of the race
Sends down these matin psalms;
And still with wondering eyes we trace
The simple prayers to Soma's grace,
That Vedic verse embalms.

As in that child-world's early year,
Each after age has striven
By music, incense, vigils drear,
And trance, to bring the skies more near,
Or lift men up to heaven!

Some fever of the blood and brain,
Some self-exalting spell,
The scourger's keen delight of pain,
The Dervish dance, the Orphic strain,
The wild-haired Bacchant's yell,--

The desert's hair-grown hermit sunk
The saner brute below;
The naked Santon, hashish-drunk,
The cloister madness of the monk,
The fakir's torture-show!

And yet the past comes round again,
And new doth old fulfil;
In sensual transports wild as vain
We brew in many a Christian fane
The heathen Soma still!

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways!
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

In simple trust like theirs who heard
Beside the Syrian sea
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word,
Rise up and follow Thee.

O Sabbath rest by Galilee!
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity
Interpreted by love!

With that deep hush subduing all
Our words and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
As noiseless let Thy blessing fall
As fell Thy manna down.

Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm!


[The end]
John Greenleaf Whittier's poem: Brewing Of Soma

The Intrinsic Motivation Principle of Creativity

Founded by Teresa M. Amabile and her team of associates...

The principle states that 'people will be at their creative best when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself - and not by external pressures'...

how dumb man can be

Quote: The words are from a long narrative poem, “The Brewing of Soma.” It describes Vedic priests going into the forest and drinking them­selves into a stupor with a concoction called “soma.” They try to have a religious experience and contact the spirit world. It is after set­ting that scene that Whittier draws his lesson: “Dear Lord, and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways…” This hymn is as relevant today as when it was written. In a modern context, it speaks to the drug culture, and those looking for an “experience” to prove the reality of God.

my future

i look GOOD in business attire...

but, even better, i look AWESOME in concert attire...

=] be proud of me, daddy mummy?




Dear God, i think You made too large a stomach for me... I'm human - not from Monster's Inc.

How now - i eat like no tomorrow everyday...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

dear God, i wrote a new song for You today

Since You know my heart, could You have heard it before every note was written? Since You know my heart, could You have already composed it before every phrase was constructed? Since You know my heart, could You have decorated the melody and played with its harmony, and could You have already sung the symphony before the story was written?

You're awesome, God... =]

at the end of the race i see another and yet another

how far must i run to keep away from you? do you want me to face you and tell you to get out? why must you keep appearing in my dreams?

go away - i will not destroy nor waste my life because of what you did to me.

i'm strong...

Ain't I, Father? Was that good enough? I'm gonna get better; right?

Friday, August 13, 2010


so it really means so much to you...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

stools fool

something's wrong with my system...

Monster says enough of cereal...

but i want................................................................ i want Waffles Crisp, Cupcake Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Flakes, Honey Stars, and i want many many more!!!

OOOSH - hungry... =D

Study hard, and real hard, Allison Koh...

=] Tiggers cheering for me!!! yay =]


Tigger told me to study real hard, den when i come back home tonight i can play with all of them... =D

BARRRRRHARAR. Fluffy is so C_U_T_E!!!

All my Tiggers are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

the kid fell; Jesus picked him up, smiled and walked with him - Jesus never left

music and tinkles, daily, they rise anew; but one man, one soul, one heart to be renewed.

life and death, together or apart; friends, family, loved ones, Tiggers and all, but, one and only, my Jesus, from my side He never parts...

*crazy smile*

*shriek* ahhhhh i like the new clouds in the background =D i'm retarded... my mouth is hungry...

anyway, was reading Our Daily Bread while pooping... share something:
If we march through life pretending to smile while inside we bleed, we dishonor the relationship. - Philip Yancey

btw, Monster, frog meat in chinese is supposed to be sweet chicken (tian-ji)... not field chicken... i win. =] love, Monssy, the smart one...

God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father