Sunday, October 12, 2008

blur me... hahaha =]

i think i'm prob blur for a good cause...

anyway... here's what...

he told me he likes me... =] hehehe... so sweet lar. =] hahaha...

but... God shall be our main focus here... what came to me to day was this... Jesus, my FIRM FOUNDATION... =] and Lord Jesus, i'll never ever let u go... =] God is my first love and will always be... my hubbie is my number 2. =]

i got a new brother tigger!!! =] hehehe... yay =]

okay okay... alli, go do your accounts... NOW...

=] Au Revoir!!!

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God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father