Monday, November 24, 2008

oh boy...

hello world...

i was SUPPOSED to be studying... i came online with the intention of doing IRHR [org behavior] notes on M.Word... ended up being on the phone with Penguin [valerie the crazy girl] and talked to her and Twin [cherylynn the cat] on msn... and they were LAUGHING at me...

twin challenged me to eat one Mega-Burger every alternate day after exams... HAHAHA =] i'm SO up to it man... =] 50kg here i come!!! =]

MOO-arh harhar =]... penguin just can't stop laughing and i can't stop laughing at her laughing at me... and she laughs at me and i laugh at her again, so technically we are laughing at each other laugh at each other... HARHAR... omg sounds farny... hahaha =]

my hubbie is sick today... =/ went out to eat buffet at Pariss at M.Square... den watched CHIHUAHUA!!! =] den went to explanade... watched the jazz people play abit [a pity, couldn't really keep time, and the saxophone guy is so so not Kenny G who is so so awesome... hahaha] den walked around... den i managed to WIN my hubbie, and i convinced him we go off at 845... den in the end left abit earlier... cos he wasn't well... fever and flu and cough... aiyo, make me feel guilty lar... ___ dear, i TOLD u that u weren't well, u don't believe me; i should SO be a doctor... next time listen to me k, otherwise i won't let u bring me home in future. hahaha... =] huggies, get well soon!!! =] ___ cab home... den he went home... den Sunshine [moi] went to bathe, den put the roses in a nice cup, den called hubbie, prayed, hubbie went to lala-land to recuperate... and i studied...

so now. i'm supposed to be studying... and i'm blogging... for the obvious reasons... =]

dear Alicia and Tara the squirrel and carolyn and whomever... =] sorry lar... i know u miss me and i know u know i miss u... anyway... i rEALLY do. =] bei, i owe u movie marathon hor... and your b-day pressie. =] soon. after my exams... =] love ya all crazy animals alot!!! =] Take care and God bless k... =]

okay. i shall go study now. as in, really. yeah. =]

byby world... =] *cowcow waves* =]

huggies dear earth... =]

huggies Abba Father...

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God still is the answer.

God still is the answer.

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father

why i don't give up on me - my heavenly Father